Blogs & Essays
Imagination’s Favors,
(The Weekly Hubris, https://weeklyhubris.com):
Click on an image to read the full blog post.
“The Wheels Grind: Thoughts on Self & War” (Reprint): April 1, 2023.
“Letter From Thessaloniki, Greece,”
May 15, 2020.
“With the Wide Eyes of Animals,”
January 29, 2020.
“Filling the Void,”
November 4, 2019.
“Homage to Place,”
March 1, 2019.
“Broken Oars,”
December 31, 2018.
“Fury & The Fillmore,” September 1, 2020.
“The Mind’s Ear: Belonging & the Voices of Women,” April 1, 2020.
“The Wheels Grind: Thoughts on Self & War,” December 31, 2019.
“Gods & Greyhounds: On Going Back to Sacramento,” May 28, 2019.
January 31, 2019.
June 19, 2024.

Essays/Conference Papers:
“No Good Deed: In Memory of Edmund Keeley, 1928-2022” (in Greek & English),
Frear Magazine, May 22, 2022.
“The Ξenitia of Elizabeth Bishop,” Presentation, English Language &
Literature Department, University of Athens, March 19, 2015.
“Riding the Currents: Why I Cannot Not Translate,” paper
presentation, Translation Symposium, Humanities Department,
University of La Verne, Athens, Greece, December 7, 2015
“Getting It Right: Radical Solitude and the Poetry Of Jack Gilbert,”
Presentation, English Language & Literature Department, University of
Athens, January 14, 2010.
Interview, New Works Review, Vol. 9, No. 1, Winter, 2007.
“Mapping the Country Behind the Words: American Poets in Greece,” Symposium: “American Poetry in Greece,” Hellenic Association for American Studies, Aristotle University, October 23, 2004.
“Writing Greece: Tourist, Sojourner, Resident and Descendent,” presentation for the Hellenic Association of Fulbright Scholars’ conference on “Olympism and the Fulbright Spirit: Humanism In Action,” Athens, Greece, Friday, October 8-10, 2004
“Souls That Travel: American Writers in Greece,” Poets & Writers,
Nov/Dec 2001.
Review of The Ruins of Athens: A Balkan Memoir, P. H. Liotta.
Chelsea, No. 68, 2000.